Qwerty Collection 5: Fall 2009-Spring 2010

On sale

This two-issue bundle comprises our issues edited by Corinna Chong & Jeremy Whiston.

Issue 24, featuring work from: Wayne Clifford, Heather Craig, Susie DeCoste, Jesse Ferguson, Gabe Foreman, Alyson Fortowsky, Sean Howard, Louisa Howerow, Daniel Hudon, Jim Johnstone, Samuel Martin, Elaine McCluskey, Michelle Miller, Katie Murphy, Ben Obler, Kathleen Szoke, Jenny Taylor, Yasuko Thanh, Samantha Warwick, Joanna M. Weston, and Elana Wolff.

Our Spring 2010 focus on fiction, featuring work from: John Barton, Jillian Butler, Jesse Patrick Ferguson, Barry Grenon, Ben Griffin, Sean Howard, Allison LaSorda, Tana Morgan, April Ripley, Brenton Rossow, Naben Ruthnum, Ozren Stambuk, Mary Thaler, Célia Thompson, Ellie Walsh, and Elana Wolff.